Monday, 15 June 2015


Taken on 14.6.2015
After bath, hair still wet

Saturday, 13 June 2015


Taiwan political leaders are idiots.
They like to lick the American boss.
She thinks American penis is good for her.
Ma is the same.
Choo is different, he visited China.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015


There would not be world peace as long as UN HQ is in NY.
Bible, revelation, painted America as Great Babylon in chapter 17.
America is the mother of all prostitutes and perverts in the world.
Why? Because America is promoting pornography and lewdness.
So world people, get UN HQ move to Singapore, where I am. .

Monday, 8 June 2015


Ex PAP chairman is not fit to be president of Singapore.
He held PAP sins so he is passing them to you Singaporeans.
Disasters shall strike.