Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Photos n Video

Taken on 15th July 2014

My wife babysits her of African father n Chinese mother

Friday, 4 July 2014


Singaporeans, the faster you put me up as the president of Singapore, the better for you.
Or the world will turn up side down and you will be worst off.
You can also see the misfortune in Lee Kuan Yew's family.
This might scare off investors.
Lee Kuan Yew or PAP leaders want Tony Tan to be president.
This is sign Singapore is going downhill.
PAP ex chairman is not fit to be president of Singapore.

To the fair skin S E Asians, you are the descendants of the Chinese.
The original tribes are brown or dark brown like in PNG or E Timor/Timor Leste.
If you go anti-China you are a bastard.
Example is president Aquino who's mother went to China to visit her ancestors place.
Former Malaysia PM's ancestors were in Hainan Island.
One of my aunty was given to Malay family for adoption.
So mind you, fair skin S E Asians, do a DNA check to accertain your ancestry.
Don't be bastards to go anti-China.
Japaneses were pirates who plundered Korea and China and captured many women and girls.
So fair skin Japaneses are of Korean or Chinese ancestry.
The original Japanese tribes are brown.

America is an idiot.
It still does not know the Sunni are the trouble maker.
America always pick Iran as a bad guy.
So America is facing what they had done in the Middle East.
Or is it what America want to have a ball of fire in the ME ?
But God has other plan.
God is to wipe out Jerusalem so the Bible can be thrown away.
God of Abraham can be discarded, so Judaism, Christianity and Islam can be forgotten,
Abraham was mad in modern sense to obey voices in his head.
Read the Bible properly.
He went from Mesopotamia in modern day Iran or Iraq to Palestine.
He almost burn Isaac to death.
He was circumcised with his folks and servants because voices told him to do so.
So this is a mad religion.
Idiots like to follow it, the Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

God make people blind.
God make people mad so they don't know right from wrong.
America is an example. America always paint China as the aggressor.
But America forget they were one of the eight countries that attacked China.
Now America is using Japan as a shield to provoke China.
China has 5000 years of history.
America has about 200 years.
And America dare to teach China what to do.
What an idiot is America.
Democracy is dead.
Confucianism is to rule the world.
A figure head spiritual president should be the norm for every country.