第 十 章
載 營 魄 抱 一 , 能 無 離 乎 ? 專 氣 致 柔 , 能 如 嬰 兒 乎 ? 滌 除 玄 覽 , 能 無 疵 乎 ? 愛 民 治 國 , 能 無 為 乎 ? 天 門 開 闔 , 能 無 雌 乎 ? 明 白 四 達 , 能 無 知 乎 ? 生 之 畜 之 、 生 而 不 有 , 為 而 不 恃 , 長 而 不 宰 , 是 謂 玄 德 。
Can you govern your animal mind, hold to the One and never depart from it? Can you throttle your breath, down to the softness of breath of a child? Can you purify your mystic vision and wash it until it is spotless? Can you love all your people, rule over them without doing anything? Can the heavenly gate opening be like a female? Can you understand the four quarters and feign ignorance? Give birth to it, feed it; give birth but not possess it; act and be independent; pride over it but never its lord. This is what is called mystic virtue.
The first 3 lines are meditation instructions. From here you can conclude chapters 2 to 16 in Taoist Yoga are not relevant. Only chapter 1 tallies with the lines. The second part is talking about Tao's characteristics. The Sage can imitate them.
Tao gives birth to all things and feed the living things. It does not own them while IT acts independently. Have pride in Tao and let IT lead your way.
The heavenly gate is always mentioned as female. Even in Bible, Mt Zion is sometime called the virgin girl.
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