Friday, 30 September 2016

Lee Hsien Loong Is Mad?

I watched Phoenix TV 856 Cable Vision,  the forum on current issues.
Today they talked about Lee Hsien Loong behavior in America and Japan.
Looks like Lee Hsien Loong is mad when others have stopped talking the issue about  South China Sea,  he repeated the issue again and again while stressing Singapore is not taking sude.
The mentioning of South China Sea is taking side.
So Lee Hsien Loong was talking through his asshole.
He must be licking the American penises and now want to lick the Japanese penises.
Mind you idiot Lee Hsien Loong,  you are a Chinese though you must be thinking yourself a Peranakan.
Your grandma was a Peranakan..
You will be in madness for siding the America against China.
You want Singapore to suffer heavyly?

Email or

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Playing God

I am telling the Americans,  government change is in the hand of Universal God.
So you are playing God in toppling governments.
Your president and the whole bunch of CIA worldwide  will go mad.
Many accidents will occur and many casualties.
Like the amount of ISIS or Syrian government officials killed in Syria, it has to be paid by your citizens either army personnels or civilians.
The more you interfere in another country affairs,  the more sins you commit.
You are Great Babylon, the Mother of all Prostitutes and Perverts in the world.
You only make America into Doom faster.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Don't Attack China

You bitch, you bastard  woman defence minister  of Japan,  you bad mouth China in America.
You lick Americans penises so you dare to scold China in front of your American guests?
I see you on television and newspapers,  so I can get you mad.
When Lee Hsien Loong was making speech,  after mentioning elected presidential law, I scolded him stupid.
Whether this caused him sick instantly,  I don't  know.
I have to try again next times to other politicians.
Mind you Carter, the defence secretary of America and Singapore  defence minister Ng,
The next time you bad mouth China, you will get something from me.
You bastards,  I am a Chinese,  so don't dare you to bad mouth China.
Come and kill me if you think you are bastards. 

My email or

Thursday, 15 September 2016


Selfie today 15th September 2016

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Facebook Memory

Facebook memory of 2010 dated 14th September

I do not promote religion. I promote Sealing the Mark on our forehead for Salvation sake. After the Sealing, you can avoid their meeting, be on your own doing self cultivation. So Tian Tao or  I-Kuan Tao is not happy with me for this.

The world is now in the judgment era, so many people will go crazy and many disasters will occur. These are pangs before the childbirth - Full enlightenment or Glory of the last prophet.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016


When talking of race, it is better to be pure.
If you mix, you become 'rojak' and can be bastard race.
'Rojak ' is a Singapore local dish of salad with mixture of ingredients like pineapple, bean sprouts,  cucumber,  prawn paste, ground nuts etc.
Jews are Iraq origin but mixed with Palestinians and others.
So Jews are mixture of White, brown and black.
This is a bastard race especially Abraham rejected or unfilial to his father.
America British rebelled against England so they become a bastard race.
Now Americans are mixture of White,  yellow,  brown and black.
So Bible painted America as Great Babylon, the Mother of all Prostitutes and Perverts in the world.
India is another one.
Aryan from Central Asia, the fair skin, conquered India.
They established the castle system but Indians do mix.
Or they just have sex with slave, the children born out bastards.
Chinese is also a mixture but all are yellow races or dialects.
Koreans can be considered Chinese because for over thousands years, Koreans used written Chinese characters for communication.
Fair skin Vietnamese are also Chinese who escaped prosecution after dynasties fell.
Fai skin Japanese are also Chinese because Japanese pirates took Chinese women and kids from China after plunder. 

Monday, 5 September 2016

My Protection To You

To all Chinese world wide,  Xi Jin Ping, the president of PRC China, is unable to protect you. 
Only I am able to protect you. 
Download my profile photo into your hand / phone as wall paper to protect you. 
You want the big original copy, email me at

Facebook Memory

Many Facebook memories today.

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 5th September

第 八 十 一 章  信 言 不 美 , 美 言 不 信 ; 善 者 不 辯 , 辯 者 不 善 ; 知 者 不 博 , 博 者 不 知 。 聖 人 不 積 , 既 以 為 人 , 己 愈 有 ; 既 以 與 人 , 己 愈 多 。 天 之 道 , 利 而 不 害 。 聖 人 之 道 , 為 而 不 爭 。

81.    Words of truth don't sound fine. Flowery words are not honest. Good man does not argue. Debater is not a good man. Knower of truth is not learned man. Learned men do not know the truth. The Sage does not hoard things, with thought that what he has is more than enough than others, that he is able to influence a far greater number of people. God's Way is gain that works no harm; the Sage's way is to act without competing for the result.

[    Without competing for the result is like not standing for election to be a president. People will appoint you president.]

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Many Facebook Memories Today

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 4th September

第 八 十 章  小 國 寡 民 , 使 有 什 伯 人 之 器 而 不 用 , 使 民 重 死 而 不 遠 徙 。 雖 有 舟 輿 , 無 所 乘 之 ; 雖 有 甲 兵 , 無 所 陳 之 ; 使 民 復 結 繩 而 用 之 。 甘 其 食 , 美 其 服 , 安 其 居 , 樂 其 俗 。 鄰 國 相 望 , 雞 犬 之 聲 相 聞 , 民 至 老 死 不 相 往 來 。

80.    Small country few people, even with a hundred fold equipments, they are not used; cause people to value death so they do not emigrate; even having boats and carts, none is rode on; even having armour brigades, none is displaced. Cause the people to return to knotted cords and use them; sweeten their meat, adorn their clothing, settle them down, charm their customs. Neighbour countries look at each other; the sound of crowing cockerels and barking of dogs are heard across each other; the people live till death do not exchange greeting.

[    This is a difficult chapter to explain. My only explanation is return back to our beginning Void, which is the Mark on our forehead, the Mystic Portal. Neighbouring countries are 2 eyes which can move inwards, looking at the other eye (if possible).]

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Facebook Memory

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 3rd September.

第 七 十 九 章 和 大 怨 , 必 有 餘 怨 , 安 可 以 為 善 ? 是 以 聖 人 執 左 契 , 而 不 責 於 人 。 有 德 司 契 , 無 德 司 徹 。 天 道 無 親 , 常 與 善 人 。

79.    Settling great dispute will have side dispute; use virtue to report dispute, can pacify, console be good? Therefore the Sage will maintain the left side contract and will not hold other people responsible. So have virtue manage contract, no virtue manages passing through blame. Heavenly Tao is impartial, always favours with good men.

Friday, 2 September 2016


Many Facebook memories today, see  .

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 2nd September

第 七 十 八 章  天 下 柔 弱 莫 過 於 水 , 而 攻 堅 強 者 莫 之 能 勝 , 其 無 以 易 之 。 弱 之 勝 強 , 柔 之 勝 剛 , 天 下 莫 不 知 , 莫 能 行 。 故 聖 人 云 , 受 國 之 垢 , 是 謂 社 稷 主 ; 受 國 之 不 祥 , 是 謂 天 下 王 。 正 言 若 反 。

78.    The world's weak plus soft, nothing can compare to water; but when water attacks rigid and strong, none can withstand it, and nothing can alter its way. So, weak wins over strong, soft wins over steel. The world: none able to know? none able to act? So the Sage said:- 'Be a country's dirt is called lord of the country (god of the land and grain); be a country's inauspicious person is called the world's master.' Correct saying if reversed or this is paradox.

[    This chapter is something like the expounder of 4-line stanza in Diamond Sutra, Son-of-Perdiction in the Bible and 3rd to be reinforced in the Quran.]

Thursday, 1 September 2016


Selfie today 1st September 2016

Many Facebook memories today

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 1st September

第 七 十 七 章  天 之 道 , 其 猶 張 弓 乎 ! 高 者 抑 之 , 下 者 舉 之 ; 有 餘 者 損 之 , 不 足 者 補 之 。 天 之 道 , 損 有 餘 而 補 不 足 。 人 之 道 則 不 然 , 損 不 足 以 奉 有 餘 。 孰 能 有 餘 以 奉 天 下 ? 唯 有 道 者 。 是 以 聖 人 為 而 不 恃 , 功 成 而 不 處 , 其 不 欲 見 賢 耶 。

77.    Is not God's Way (or Heaven's Way) like a bow well bent? High and mighty are brought low; the low caste are up-righted; those with plenty are uprooted while those hungry are fed. God's Way is to uproot the rich and feed the hungry. What human does is different; it is to rob the poor to feed the rich. Who can with abundance benefit the world, it is only he who has Tao. Therefore the Sage can act alone without the whim of other. He will succeed but not authoritative as he prefers to be the same as others, not their superior.

[    Bow is to show our eye-brows. In Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna carries a bow, together with Khrisna at the centre of the battleground between 2 armies, 2 eyes.]